Friday, July 29, 2011

Gearing up for a TOUGH weekend!

Well….made it through the week!  But I didn’t get as many workouts in as I had hoped (which was mostly due to the fact that I had a trial this week and ended up working about 50 hours!).

Since I missed a few days writing, here’s the recap:

Wednesday, I met with an athlete for a personal training session at 5:30 am…so no swimming that morning.  In the evening I had my massage (which was pretty painful this time) so no swimming in the evening.

Thursday was trial day, so I let myself “sleep in” until 5:30 (that is sick and wrong to call that sleeping in, I know!) and after an 11 hour day at work, I was too wiped out when I got home to get a swim in that evening.

And that brings us to today….I let myself sleep until the last possible moment this morning (7:15) to get to work by 8.  When my 4 am alarm went off I tried to get up, but I didn’t feel well (stuffed up, sore throat)…so I thought rather than risk that turning into a head cold, I would try and get some more sleep.  Being stressed out and run down is the perfect environment to get sick….and the swim is close enough that I can’t risk that.

Today I put in an 8-5 with no lunch break, but even though going to swim was the LAST thing I wanted to do once I got home, I made it to the Summit and got in a 5000 yard practice.  Immediately after hopping in the pool, I was glad I got myself there.  It was a very good practice. 

Since I missed several of my planned practices this week, I’m looking at a pretty intense weekend of practices (9,000 on Saturday and 17,000 on Sunday).  BUT after that, my best friend Erika flies in from Alaska for a weeklong visit on Sunday night, which will be an excellent reward!!!!

I hope you all are doing well!  Thanks for reading and good night!


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